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Bhutan Travel FAQ

Travel FAQs

Yes, all foreign nationals (except citizens of India, Bangladesh, and the Maldives) require a visa to enter Bhutan. Visas are only issued through licensed Bhutanese tour operators or international partners.

What is the minimum daily tariff for visiting Bhutan?
Bhutan operates on a “Minimum Daily Package” tariff system, which includes a daily fee covering accommodation, meals, transportation, and a guide. The minimum daily tariff varies depending on the season and the number of travelers in the group.

Travel to Bhutan must be arranged through a licensed Bhutanese tour operator or an international partner. They will assist you in planning your itinerary, obtaining visas, and arranging necessary permits.

The best time to visit Bhutan is during the spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November) seasons when the weather is pleasant, and the skies are clear. These months offer ideal conditions for trekking and sightseeing.

Popular tourist destinations in Bhutan include Paro (home to the iconic Tiger’s Nest Monastery), Thimphu (the capital city), Punakha (known for its beautiful dzong), and Bumthang Valley (with its cultural significance and scenic beauty).

Yes, Bhutan offers various trekking routes ranging from easy to challenging levels of difficulty. The most famous trekking routes include the Druk Path Trek, Snowman Trek, and Jomolhari Trek, among others.
What should I pack for a trip to Bhutan?
Pack clothing suitable for the season you’re visiting, including layers for cooler evenings. Essential items include comfortable walking shoes, sunscreen, insect repellent, a hat, and any necessary medications.

Bhutan is considered a safe travel destination with low crime rates. However, it’s essential to take standard precautions such as safeguarding your belongings and being mindful of your surroundings.
Can I use my credit card in Bhutan?
Credit cards are accepted in some hotels, shops, and restaurants in major cities like Thimphu and Paro. However, it’s advisable to carry sufficient cash (in the local currency, Ngultrum) for transactions in more remote areas.

Respect local customs and traditions, including dress codes when visiting religious sites (cover arms and legs, remove hats). Refrain from pointing at people or sacred objects, and always ask for permission before taking photographs of individuals.

These FAQs cover essential information for travelers planning a trip to Bhutan, but it’s always a good idea to conduct further research and consult with travel experts for personalized advice.

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